• the Generative Space-2048
  • the Generative Space-2048
  • the Generative Space-2048
  • the Generative Space-2048

the Generative Space-2048

media:Coding/Grasshopper/Adobe Premiere



The "the Generative Space-2048" is not only a collision and interaction between artificial intelligence and human creation, but also an exploration of "control" and "out of control". We hope to utilize this attempt to respond to the eternal question of artistic creation: what is the relationship between randomness and control?


In the increasingly digitized age, creative tools are constantly evolving. The new tools not only make more complex and stunning visual effects possible, but they also blur the the boundaries between technology and art, often rendering them indistinguishable.


While technology seemingly expands our creative possibilities, it also brings a profound fear: that we might lose our direction in randomness, or even our sense of self. Much of the criticism and resistance to technology stems from this underlying fear of losing control, similar to the ambivalence towards AI. So, should we firmly grasp the core of creation—the expression of "self"—and persistently adhere to fully controlled creative methods? Or should we let go of the "ego," take a deep dive, and more courageously embrace randomness? In other words, in this new era where technology and art are increasingly intertwined, how should we view these new tools and use them to create works that are both impactful and imaginative?


"the Generative Space-2048" is our answer.


2048生成艺术展廊空间是studio nano对未来个人化的数字艺术展览的探索与畅想:在全面数字化的下一代互联网,数字身份会成为个体的个性表达的重要组成部分,数字资产也会变成个人资产的重要组成部分。相应的,我们如何在数字空间里展示和社交呢?


2048展廊通过「赛博空间原型」的方式表达了我们的创意与畅想:每个人都可以拥有一个可变的个人空间,并根据需求个性化地展示自己的数字资产,在空间里和朋友们进行社交与互动。这个空间可以根据实际需求自由的变换形式:从最基本的几何形式出发,可以顺滑的在圆形、方形、六边形、八角形等之间自由转变与切换。空间的形态和氛围也可以根据展示作品的风格与色彩通过AI算法自动的生成与变化,产生无限的可能性。 这个作品的灵感来自我们对创作过程的思考:我们意识到在创作中,创作者一方面有很强的表达欲,而这些展现“自我”的表达往往通过对创作工具、手法、风格的一系列控制实现;另一方面,很多惊艳的艺术效果恰恰来自一些随机和即兴的瞬间。




Hi from studio nano &「Lucio+Damiao」!