• Live Streaming with SeeDAO
  • Live Streaming with SeeDAO
  • Live Streaming with SeeDAO
  • Live Streaming with SeeDAO

Live Streaming with SeeDAO

Invited by SeeDAO, Damiao led a live-streamed sharing session titled "Generative Art: The Bridge between Technology and Art" during the SeeDAO Translation Guild's co-reading event on the evening of March 11, 2023. The session delved into how generative art in the web3 world merges with technology to evolve into a new existence that transcends traditional narratives.

In traditional narratives, art and technology are delineated by clear boundaries. However, with the paradigm shift brought about by generative art, code becomes the brushstroke, screens transform into a different kind of gallery, and art takes flight on the wings of technology. The ownership systems and liquidity introduced by NFTs further liberate art from its historical constraints.


在传统叙事中,艺术与技术被划定了明确的界限。但随着生成艺术的发展,代码化为笔触,而屏幕成为另一种画廊,艺术在数字世界中插上了技术的翅膀。 NFT带来的所有权体系和流动性又为艺术解开了旧日的枷锁。

Hi from studio nano and 「Lucio+Damiao」!